23 May 2017

Ocean Observatory and Ocean Sciences Diving Platform

Ocean Observatory and Ocean Sciences Diving Platform

Wilson McCord, M.A.

The ocean observatory is a bio-inspired design project that will provide an intermediate diving platform and laboratory anchored in the ocean. It will serve as a station between scientific collection points and home laboratories. The station would give scientists the ability to analyze data during and immediately after collection as well as monitor the ocean science data ranging from ocean physics to marine biology. Investigators will be able to view the ocean from beneath the observatory through a thick acrylic base. Limited sleeping space will allow a few scientists to stay for short periods. Numerous institutes and universities collect scientific data from buoys and stations that require a round trip excursion with little time at sea to rest or analyze collected data. The diving platform was conceived by the scientist Wilson McCord. His science platform would allow experts to check their research at the diving station before returning to their home laboratories.